With over 30 years of remediation experience, we have enabled the transformation of former gasworks, pharmaceutical manufacturing plants and industrial facilities from brownfield sites to commercial and residential developments.
Our highly skilled, in-house remediation team has the capability to undertake a wide range of remedial technologies to meet our clients’ sustainable end use.
Explore our recent projects
10 million
m2 area of reclaimed land
4.8 billion
litres of water treated
6.25 million
tonnes of reused material

Transforming brownfield sites to modern developments, safely and sustainably
The UK was the focal point of the industrial revolution, with factories, gasworks and refineries established across every major town and city in the country. As technologies progressed and modernised, many of these facilities became redundant, known as brownfield sites. The result of this is hundreds of parcels of land that can potentially be repurposed for new developments. However, the soils and groundwater within these sites are contaminated with tar, chemicals and other harmful substances which pose a risk to human health and the environment.
Over the past three decades, we have undertaken the remediation works at brownfield sites across the UK, from pharmaceutical manufacturing plants to former gasworks, laboratory testing facilities and power stations.
Our remediation teams have successfully treated contaminated soils containing DNAPL, LNAPL, asbestos, cyanides, hydrocarbons, heavy metals and various other harmful substances.
Working with trusted testing and analysis partners, we have the capability to conduct in-situ treatment of contaminated soils, handing over the site ready for its intended use. We can also use our in-house licenced waste carrier, Erith Haulage, to transfer various waste types including hazardous waste to licensed treatment, recycling, or disposal facility.
Our remediation teams have a proven history to provide a service to the highest standards whilst complying with our client’s budgetary and programme requirements.
Framework Contracts
We operate under several framework agreements with major UK utility providers, providing cost-effective remediation and demolition services to their former production and storage sites. Within the nationwide framework over one hundred former gasholder structures have been demolished, de-sludged, remediated and backfilled for future beneficial use.
Our current framework contracts include:
- National Grid Property Holdings
- Wales and West Utilities
- SGN Place
- Northern Gas Networks
- National Gas Transmissions

Remediation Activities
Ground Water Treatment
In-situ and Ex-situ Ground Validation
Enhanced Complex Sorting
Materials Management
Ex-situ Bio-augmentation
In-situ and Ex-situ thermal treatment
- In house mobile treatment licenses Risk Mitigation and Monitoring Real-time noise, dust, and vibration monitoring
- Static and mobile odour suppressant equipment
- Temporary enclosure installation
- Third party liaison teams for licensing interface
- Robust traffic management planning
- Boundary and receptor management
Recent Achievements
- Brownfield Briefing Awards Best Conceptual Design
- Best Infrastructure Project.
- National Grid Property Awards 3x Most Sustainable Project
- 2x Best Project Delivery
- 2x Best Project Strategy Implementation
- 2x Best Stakeholder Engagement
- 2x Best Demolition Project
- Best Project Support
- Special Recognition
- Best Project Documentation
- Best SHE Leadership
- Most Considerate Project