We were employed by Landsec to carry out the multi-faceted scope encompassing demolition and enabling works involved in the technical redevelopment project at 25 Lavington Street. On completion the redevelopment will provide a cutting-edge workspace known as Timber Square.


The site consisted of two buildings with extensive asbestos removal, full strip out, partial demolition, and brick and soffit cleaning of the 15 storey former print works East Building and extensive asbestos removal, strip out and full demolition of the 15 storey West Building. Once operational the new building will be an exemplar of low carbon development using 100% renewable energy, low carbon and recycled building materials. Facades were designed to maximise natural daylight whilst the design took into consideration the future disassembly of the building with the aim that all materials are reusable and support the circular economy.

£35 million

project value


waste diverted from landfill


working hours

We were also awarded the contract to construct the two-storey basement involving 70,000m3 excavation and the construction of two six storey concrete cores using trialled low cement and high GBBS concrete resulting in minimising the carbon footprint of the works. All new concrete had an exposed specialist finish to tie in with the existing industrial print works building. This was achieved using trialled high density back nailed formwork. The cores were constructed with fully hydraulic encapsulated jump form.


The project presented many challenges along the way. A key consideration for this project was its location, in the busy London Borough of Southwark, with a live Network Rail line to the south of the site and hotels, student accommodation and offices along the other boundaries. Early engagement with Network Rail enabled us to discuss suitable methodologies and submit all of the necessary Network Rail paperwork for temporary works approvals. Ensuring that a good working relationship with Network Rail was key to the success of the project. We communicated regularly with all stakeholders surrounding the site, in line with our Neighbourhood Liaison Strategy that was developed at the tender stage of the project. Regular dialogue proved essential in ensuring healthy neighbourly relationships were formed and remained throughout.

Working within London city centre provided logistical challenges such as site access and pedestrian footfall around the site. A thorough Traffic Management Procedure and 24/7 real-time noise, dust and vibration monitoring ensured any activity that exceeded the agreed limits was notified to us immediately.


Due to the site’s close proximity to the River Thames, constant water management was needed to ensure safe working at all times. During the breakout of the basement slab of the West Building, we encountered significant groundwater. We used this to our advantage by harvesting the water and filtering it through a silt tank before utilising it as dust suppression for the East Building break-out works. This meant that we used 80% less water in the East Building than originally projected.
During the project, we provided the opportunity for engineering students to attend the site accompanied by the project structural engineers. This gave them the chance to gain practical site experience and learn about the extensive and complex temporary works involved in a project of this nature. We also provided support to a local charity, Bankside Open Spaces Trust, assisting them with plant, labour and materials to aid the organisation of an annual community street party.
The location also drew interest from archaeologists interested in examining the sand and gravel islands below the site dating from 9500BC. Early in the project, we constructed an 8m shaft with the use of sheet piles and temporary shoring to allow the investigations to take place.

“I would like to say that you and your team on 25 Lavington Street have done an amazing job on what is a very complicated and multi faceted cut and carve demolition and retention project. You and your team have been diligent and responsive at all times and acted above and beyond in your capacity as main contractor on this project. I would like to thank you for your professionalism and dedication to the project.”

David Robinson

Director, Opera